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De Facto- Cont Adesso v Payton
This week I wanted to expand on the topic by looking at a recent case of Adesso v Payton that examined them in more detail. You will...

De Facto- Adesso v Payton
I recently wrote about de facto relationships. De facto couples who have separated can apply to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of...

De Facto Relationships
Today’s topic is about a subject that can create confusion and its often misunderstood – de facto relationships. Under the Family Law...

Working out the parenting arrangements after the breakdown of a relationship is not always easy. Parents who are in conflict with each...

Parenting arrangements
Parents have a responsibility to try to agree to the care arrangements for children following the breakdown of a relationship or...

Mistakes to avoid when separating.
Our article this week is the first of a two-part series providing things to consider before or during separation. For most people going...
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