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Out of court settlement
What Are the Benefits of Out-of-Court Family Law Settlements In the family law arena, parties seeking a resolution to their disputes that...

Pre-nuptial agreements
What is a Pre-Nuptial Agreement? A pre-nuptial agreement is a legally Binding Financial Agreement between two people who are planning on...

Parenting plans and consent orders
Living arrangements for children The Family Law Act encourages parents to resolve their parenting arrangements without Court proceedings...

Parenting Terms
In the past you would often hear terms such as ‘custody’ and ‘access’ or ‘guardianship’ of children when people were referring to...

Parental Alienation
Parental alienation is a complex and emotionally charged family dynamic that occurs when one parent deliberately attempts to distance...

Parental Alienation Part Two
This is the Second Part of our Series on Parental Alienation Where One Parent Deliberately Tries to Distance Their Child From the Other...
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