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Duty of Disclosure
A recent divorce of an Australian high society couple became “ugly” when it was revealed the former wife mislead her Husband over the...

Are you ready for a Divorce (Vanessa Ghea )
This week Dr Vanessa Ghea from Rockhampton City Psychology joins us again to talk about whether you are really ready for a divorce. Dr...

Coping after separation (Vanessa Ghea)
In my very first column, I mentioned that the approach to family law issues often involves help from other professionals as well as your...

Property Settlement
The end of a relationship can be a stressful and confusing time. Most people want to stay out of the Court system and try to reach an...

Many couples who have separated sort out their property settlement and then they try to get on with their lives, often without tying up...

Domestic Violence Part Two
In my last column, we looked at the definition as to when a person is in a relevant relationship for the purposes of the domestic...
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