CHILDREN'S LAWYERSThe Family Law Act recognises that there are times when the children need to have their own legal representation in a case about the future
DEBT IN SETTLEMENTA recent case in the High Court of Australia has confirmed that pursuant to the Family Law Act, the court has the power to assign the taxati
RETIRED & SEPARATINGThese are often relationships or marriages that have lasted for several decades. Why after all this time do couples suddenly want out when t
ANNULMENTSMost people associate the term annulment with couples wanting a marriage to be declared null and void as far as a particular church or relig
SEPARATION & DIVORCEA separation occurs when one of the parties ends the relationship. Often, they will communicate their intention to leave and other times wil
SEPARATING PROPERTYIf you are able to come to an agreement about how to divide the property, it is important to remember that “hand shake agreements” are not r