RELOCATION: PART 1Parenting arrangements and relocation cases are some of the most complex and difficult cases Courts are faced with.
SPERM DONORSThe court said that “the term ‘sperm donor’ suggests that the man in question has relevantly done no more than provide his semen to facilita
BEST INTERESTS & GRANDPARENTSPaula Phelan is a Family Lawyer with Specialist Accreditation in this area from the Queensland Law Society. She has been a lawyer for 22...
CHILDREN'S LAWYERSThe Family Law Act recognises that there are times when the children need to have their own legal representation in a case about the future
GRANDPARENTSA child’s extended family and particularly grandparents can be a very important part of a child’s life and can play an important role in the
BEST INTERESTSThe fact that a teenage child is expressing a view of their own that they wish to live with mum and not dad or vice versa, does not on its o