SEPARATING: NOW WHAT?While many things can feel out of your control, there are practical steps you can take to ease the confusion and secure your future during t
DE FACTOSo what happens if there are no children and you break up before the 2 year period? What if you feel that you have contributed in some way t
SUPERANNUATIONFor the purposes of a family law property settlement, super is considered to be property and can be transferred between spouses’ funds as pa
CHILDREN'S LAWYERSThe Family Law Act recognises that there are times when the children need to have their own legal representation in a case about the future
DEBT IN SETTLEMENTA recent case in the High Court of Australia has confirmed that pursuant to the Family Law Act, the court has the power to assign the taxati
RETIRED & SEPARATINGThese are often relationships or marriages that have lasted for several decades. Why after all this time do couples suddenly want out when t